Tuesday 9 December 2008

On karma and other rambling thoughts

Over the past few weeks, the ideas of Karma and Cosmic Ordering have popped up a few times. I commented to a colleague that he always seems to be doing the washing up for his office, he replied that he doesn't mind, he'd got to thinking that he'd been pretty lucky in his life and that he felt doing good turns was 'giving something back' and might help keep good things happening to him "Not that I want to come over all My Name is Earl, but you know, I do think there's something in it".

Actually I'd been thinking that same morning how it had been a Pretty Good Year. Nothing too remarkable, but steady, and most importantly nothing devastating. We have had our ups and downs like everyone but I feel like on the whole this year has been one of good times. Maybe there's nothing in it, or maybe we now deserve a turn at happiness & peace.

The same evening on my way home I stopped to help a couple, one of whom was in a wheelchair, manoeuvre the said chair out a shop doorway where it was wedged. They were profuse with their thanks which made me feel rather embarrased. But it also made me realise that maybe these days not many people would actually stop to offer help. Which is really sad. I hope when it comes to a time that I need a little help, someone will reach out a hand. So I'll keep doing my bit for 'karma' until then, just in case.

On another, sort of related topic....... Last night I got into a conversation about 'cosmic ordering' and 'visualisation' with my Pilates teacher. We both have similar outlooks; that the practical principles of these are quite interesting and thought provoking; because desire & belief by themselves aren't really enough to get you everything you want; but a positive outlook, a practical approach and sharing your dreams/desires* with as many people as possible can all get you travelling in the right direction. Also the importance of 'having a go'; sometimes this can involve doing something that really scares you. But it's usually not that bad. I've done a few things that have scared me a lot over the past year or so. They may not seem like much to some people, but to me they were Big and Terrifying. But then I was doing it, and hey it was fun! Still a bit scary, if I thought about it too much, but definately also fun. (One thing was only scary afterwards, when I realised what I'd just done! I have my favourite singer-songwriter to thank for that one). But the sense of achievement, and the confidence boost was so rewarding. Visualisation to me is about remembering that I've achieved those things and recapturing the self-belief and exhilaration, and channelling that into my next challenge.

Anyway, my teacher shared an example of how she's wanted to learn the guitar for ages - suddenly a friend gave her a 'teach yourself' book and another lent her a guitar, so now she's actually having a go. I suppose that was a bit like me with painting, I'd mentioned wanting to try it again to a few people (the last time I'd done it being Art at School some 13 or so years previously), then my friend Lynsey said she wanted some artwork for her flat.... so I took myself off to Fred Aldous, got me some 2-for-1 canvases, some acrylics & brushes and just had a go. And whilst I'm never going to be the next Picasso or Hopper (I wish!) Lynsey was thrilled with them, has moved from a flat to a house but still has my pictures on the wall, and I have a notebook of project ideas that I'm starting to work my way through. At the moment I'm attempting 2 paintings for our living room wall, I've started craving an easel or at least a 'workspace' where I can play around, make a mess but then leave it there for the next day. Also started to investigate the idea of taking some classes. The only thing I can't quite work out is where to find the extra time to indulge a bit more regularly!

At this time of year I don't like to think too much about change or the future. Next year will bring excitement, new places to travel, a transition from the 20's to the 30's, a new job, and who knows what else. But right now, for me, is not the time to think about it. Winter is about rest, appreciating what you have, and who you have to share it with. Change is for Autumn and Spring. When the frost subsides, the birds return, and the buds begin to swell, then it will be time to consider, to plan and to let new hopes and ideas sprout up, and hopefully, blossom and bloom.

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