Tuesday 11 January 2011

January Girl

So that's 2010 out of the way. Phew. Definately a swings and roundabouts kind of a year. Well aren't they all?

This year seems to be filling up with plans already. Another trip to Ireland, although much briefer than the last. A mini tour. Reunions. Festivals. Another wedding (not ours!) A proper summer holiday with a beach and a stack of books. Lots of DIY.

It's the time of year where we're supposed to make resolutions. The trouble is that the only resolution I want to make in early January is that I will imitate a hedgehog by curling up in a warm corner and not emerging until Spring. So I tend to leave 'I will change my life' type vows until I feel a Spring-like warmth on the back of my neck one morning and I feel a rush of energy and motivation (maybe I'm solar powered). Only then I look forward, begin to dream and hope and plan.

For me, this quiet, dark time once the excitement of Christmas is over and the decorations are back in the loft, the deep breath before the rush and babble of Spring, is one for reflecting and remembering. Memories that raise a smile and those that bring a tear. But I'm lucky, the teary ones are all intrinsically linked to the smily ones.